Welcome to Awakening Earth Angels
**Attention Lightworkers and Starseeds! Our time is Here!**
Please read out latest blogpost and know that this is our time to work together to anchor the Ascension Timeline!
Starseed and Lightworker Primer! AND For newly awakening people:
See our new Resources-New for 2020+ page for 3-Step process needed NOW! Choose Consciously.
(The Choice to Know Will Be Yours. Choose Unity Consciousness and help bring about
this mathematical inevitability of our Diamond Core Ascension Timeline)
Starseed and Lightworker Primer! AND For newly awakening people:
See our new Resources-New for 2020+ page for 3-Step process needed NOW! Choose Consciously.
(The Choice to Know Will Be Yours. Choose Unity Consciousness and help bring about
this mathematical inevitability of our Diamond Core Ascension Timeline)
"Knowing can be a curse on a person's life. |

We are a collective of like minded individuals seeking to assist each other and Humanity on the path of Soul 'evoluting', consciousness awakening, and raising our collective vibration to ascend with Gaia to the 5th Dimension.
At this time of the Procession of the Equinoxes (PoE), also called the "Shift of the Ages", there are new, increasing energies streaming into our solar system and onto our beautiful blue/green earth. With the assistance and encouragement of many Beings of Light from the Divine Realm, we offer this website as a Resource for those seeking to understand what is taking place at this momentus time in our human history. As we move toward true galactic consciousness, one can notice how Humankind has begun to awaken on all levels. We believe that we will soon view and acknowledge ourselves as the 'Galactic' Humans that we are, and with joyful intent and full awareness, assume our rightful place among our Galactic sisters and brothers!
While we raise our vibrations, we also want to be able to increase the amount of Light that our cells can hold. In 2013, the 12:12 Portal offered a new initiation into Light. The magnificent sacred geometry of the Star Tetrahedron was activated around you by the codes at the 12:12 portal. (The Star Tetrahedron is also known as a MerKaBa (Mer = Light, Ka = Spirit, Ba = Body) and contains the new structure for your awakened consciousness.) (See our Blog post)
The potential of this new initiation into your Light Body vehicle allows you to align with the most authentic, eternal Divine Self within your physical being, so becoming the Homo Luminus – a Divine being of Light in human form.
Keep sending Light and Love to everything and everyone… may we use these times and opportunities to create peace on earth for all beings, where all are free to BE.
Please browse our Resources page and peruse our Blog for additional information.
At this time of the Procession of the Equinoxes (PoE), also called the "Shift of the Ages", there are new, increasing energies streaming into our solar system and onto our beautiful blue/green earth. With the assistance and encouragement of many Beings of Light from the Divine Realm, we offer this website as a Resource for those seeking to understand what is taking place at this momentus time in our human history. As we move toward true galactic consciousness, one can notice how Humankind has begun to awaken on all levels. We believe that we will soon view and acknowledge ourselves as the 'Galactic' Humans that we are, and with joyful intent and full awareness, assume our rightful place among our Galactic sisters and brothers!
While we raise our vibrations, we also want to be able to increase the amount of Light that our cells can hold. In 2013, the 12:12 Portal offered a new initiation into Light. The magnificent sacred geometry of the Star Tetrahedron was activated around you by the codes at the 12:12 portal. (The Star Tetrahedron is also known as a MerKaBa (Mer = Light, Ka = Spirit, Ba = Body) and contains the new structure for your awakened consciousness.) (See our Blog post)
The potential of this new initiation into your Light Body vehicle allows you to align with the most authentic, eternal Divine Self within your physical being, so becoming the Homo Luminus – a Divine being of Light in human form.
Keep sending Light and Love to everything and everyone… may we use these times and opportunities to create peace on earth for all beings, where all are free to BE.
Please browse our Resources page and peruse our Blog for additional information.
Manifesting with the MoonThe moon has a powerful allure - it is full of beauty, legend, myth and romance. Learning how to work with the energies of the moon helps attune us to the rhythm and flow of Universal Energy in our lives. We joyfully share this moon phase widget as a guide for gardeners, romantics, energy practitioners, light-workers and anyone interested in weaving lunar energies into the fabric of their daily spiritual practices.
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. - Carl Jung