by Carla Thompson, November 18, 2014
Dear Georgi,
I have now received a long message from the Elohim, and have put it together with another one from 3 days ago. This message points to the work we have all done during this very long and powerful portal, from November 11 through to the 21st. Yes, it’s on-going, although the majority of the tough work is now complete.
It has been interesting to see every one’s comments on their experiences during the cleansing, and I really look forward to their up-coming emails describing how people in their lives have responded to the energies, and how they have shown where they are now at, in terms of their own openness to the truth, as well as their expression of truth. This is so fascinating! Let’s see how it will all unfold!
Love, Carla
The Message
The first message from the Elohim, on November 13, 2014, was received in the evening, just out of the blue. I had just visited the website of Indian in the Machine, and the Elohim came right in to explain that there are the “Great Ones” who share their own truth with everyone, as well as provide a place for healthy exposure of many timely truths. This comment was also made in reference to your website, Georgi, as well as to several others, run by light warriors who have been so committed to providing excellent eye-opening discussions and direction for constructive thought.
“Within the perfection of All-That-Is, there are many “Great Ones”, who make it their life purpose to enlighten anyone and everyone that they possibly can. This, they do, out of a deep caring commitment to all others who find themselves on the path to the ascension.