Cardinal Grand Cross & The Harmonic Trigger
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
Copyrighted Protected © Earth-Keeper 2014: All Rights Reserved
Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light !
As the most powerful phase of 2014 begins , we ask each of you to take pause and consider the powerful progression of events you have experienced individually and cumulatively over the past few years.. Whether or not you fully recognize that the Planetary Ascension has occurred is truly a moot point, for time moves faster now than ever before.
And so as we begin this discussion, we encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of individual Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' message.
The Harmonic Trigger
2014 offers great opportunity for achieving crystalline integrity. This is a frequency termed impeccability. it is simply stated, walking your talk - Standing in your Truth.
See the whole message here.
The 3d copyrights of this Metatron message via James Tyberonn are the exclusive copyrights of Earth-Keeper publishing. We offer this message in love. It may be shared online with expressed permission from EK Admin, as long as you do not charge for it, do not alter , abridge or edit it any way, credit the website & 3d author receiver and include this entire copyright notice . It may not be posted on U-Tube or printed in books or magazines without expressed written permission from Earth-Keeper Admin. For authorization please kindly contact Anne (Earth-Keeper Admin Director) at [email protected]