We have a few things to talk about with you today. I want to first reiterate what I have said on my internet radio show with Kathryn earlier this week.
Lady Portia told the story of soul aspects and soul projects, and the many different ways a soul can experience life in a body, either as a “solo” inhabitant, who lives in one body from birth until death, as it was often done in the past, or the more fluid possibility of sharing a body with another soul. There are many different ways to arrange that as well, and it has been a more common phenomenon in this period of time, since everyone wants to be here now, and there are not enough bodies to go around! Another reason for the "musical chairs” experience is that all the Masters are here now, and they all wanted to optimize their ability to experience many different things in this last 3D round of incarnations on Earth.
I recommend that you listen to Lady Portia’s complete description for a better understanding of the many options. Here is the link:
For now, I will explain just one of the complex ways in which we have arranged our shared incarnations. If a Higher Self (or Greater Soul, as we sometimes call it) wishes to arrange with a friend who is going to incarnate, they can agree to each carry an aspect, or facet, of the other’s soul for the entire lifetime, or part of it. In fact, they can arrange with 3 or 4 or more friends to exchange aspects for a time, increasing the ability to experience varied lives, and to support one another in difficult life challenges.